Monday, April 2, 2012

skyward sword

As anyone in the know knows, the Legend of Zelda video game series is pretty darn awesome.  So awesome, that there is a japanese gaint salamander-esque monster in the latest installment.

oh yeah. I enjoy tumblr's easy uploading so I put it up there first, but its nice to share between sites sometimes.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

hunger games

So I guess that all the cool kids are talking about hunger games right now, which is cool because I just drew this:

Peeta. Forever the boy with bread.
 And I drew this, but i didn't feel like finishing it. maybe eventually perhaps:

Katniss and Rue sitting in a tree... k i l l i n g (everyone else) (not really)

In case you haven't read the series/seen the movie, have a very accurate summary: