Friday, July 1, 2011

30days finished!

self portrait 30 out of 30
one of the stories i've grown up with is this family myth that my great aunt was a california raisin girl. like the girl that is pictured on a number of sunmaid raisin boxes.  this sort of idea as well as the fact that i always love the fruit crates that feature someone carrying a basket of fruit really inspired me to do this. well... i also went to the farmers market and ate a ton of fresh delicious cheap fruit today.

with the last day of june over, its really great to see that i've finished 30 self portraits. thats a pretty big feat for someone like me who enjoys procrastinating and putting stuff off more than the average procrastinator.

i've learned a few things about drawing myself-
  • if you add three moles on each side of a face, it starts to look like me instantly
  • i have more moles than is attractive to draw
  • i can't actually draw myself. i keep drawing an idealized version of myself
  • glasses suck to draw. especially the frames i've been wearing.
a few things i've learned from actually drawing 30 of me
  • its good to be disciplined
  • its not that hard to draw at least one thing everyday
  • sometimes that one thing will be a mess of panelling, but that counts right?
  • i can actually finish artistic projects that i begin.
I enjoyed June so much that i'm planning to do another 30 day project. namely, 30 days of original characters. going from newest to oldest. starting... july 2nd.

1 comment:

  1. w00000000000! Way to be awesome Amy. You should do a series of Raisin goils. ;)
