Monday, June 27, 2011

25th of june

 a lot of time on saturday was spent playing grown up dress up. or rather, just getting ready to go places. also imaginary dress up were you just do it in your head.

drunken drawing with a balenciaga dress? yes!

we got ready to go to the museum. we looked at gorgeous balenciaga dresses and wished we could try them on in a magic sort of way were the dresses would always fit us, no matter our size.  i changed my earrings before we went on our lovely stop and go drive to find comic books. we ended up at borders which is okay because we didnt intend to actually buy any comics. then we all got pretty and ready to go to the bar.

drunken portrait part two.

i had so much fun drinking and petting all the dogs that people bring to that bar and yeah i think i laughed more during the four hours we were there than i had during the past two weeks. it felt really great!  now i just need to work on that job so i can get more money to blow on beer. oh and art supplies.

1 comment:

  1. HAH! Good times good tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimes. I can't believe we got to see so many doggies that one night too.
