Wednesday, June 22, 2011

comics are hard!

note: this was the post i was going to do yesterday.

i spent a majority of the day wallowing in the heat. but i also spent a portion looking at historical references for the comic project with rach. i feel like i could drown in all the possible info. so i've come to the conclusion that writing a historical comic (historical in the sense that the characters are set down in a very specific time period and must still adhere to the rules and social complexities of their settings) is hard.  but thank you amazon and my no money I've found a few sources that could be very exciting to flip through or you know, actually read.  i'm pretty excited about checking out if the local bibliotech has some of these resources. but i'm also pretty sad cause i'd rather work on getting this info down instead of reading the pile of novels i've already checked out of the library.  if only i actually felt like reading! if only i could finish a book in an hour! oh the horror that i read incredibly slowly but have equally incredible comprehension as a result!

anyways. portrait in the next post since i haven't drawn it yet.

instead have some james bard with a bg since i didnt draw coli or any of the other characters from this endeavor.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic!!! This is probably my favorite sketch of him. <3
